Horses were introducted to this part of the world mainly by the Spaniards. The first ones came with the Conquerors and after that, and thanks to these great plains, the horse became the best friend to the man in the new world.
Through this mixture of civilizations the Argentine horses -named criollos- became the best transportation for the new Argentine thanks to its tireless endurance.
In the first quarter of the past century Argentine cattle barons purchased from England and France the best thoroughbred horses of that moment, champions from England like Diamond Jubelee and Cyllene among many others that placed Argentina as an important thoroughbred horse breeder country.
Many Argentine bred horses won important races around the globe, about which we´ll later inform in this blog .
Criollos, plus the best English Thoroughbred, became an explosive coctail to create the Argentine polo horses, but a patient and passionate love of Argentine horsemen for these horses gave the secret element for this worldly known success.
Darwin, Tesio and other talented connoisseurs came to this country and saw the vast Pampas and their people. Be a part of this incredible journey for horse lovers.

Coming soon

This blog will place you in the Argentine Pampas, one of the most extensive plains in the world where these horses are raised in the most natural way.

Argentina is a horse country, you will see in this page how these horses are bred for these sports.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Ellerstina lose after 12 winning matchs against Indios Chapaleufu II

Finally the rain stops and the activities regain at Palermo.

Field 1 in perfect conditions.

Ellerstina- Indios Chapaleufu II

Amazingly Ellerstina is losing in the second chukker 2-7 against Indios Chapaleufu II. With seven goals in a row for Chapa II.

Ellerstina made its first goal at minute 6 of the second chukker, all goals by Nero.

Third chukker: 3-8 , Ellerstina by Nero. OLd Chapa II look nenew. Horses in better shaped that Ellerstina upnow.

Fourth chukker, 6-8, Ellerstina regain control of the match against a bad chukker of Chapa II . Nero MVP upnow, 2 goals from Facundo Pieres.
Some worry faces in the Ellerstina camp, Gonzalo Pieres Senior came to the rescue, spoke with DT Agote.

Fifth chukker: 7-11, regains control Chapa II, goals by Eduardo (30 y penal) and Pepe Heguy (playing Enigmatica)

Sixth chukker: 10-12. Chapa started better but Ellerstina finishing stronger. Goals by Nero, Facundo 2, Pablo

Seventh chukker 11-14 Chapa II on the lead. Played nerviously made some error that became in golas for Ellerstina. Gonzalo Pieres Senior "looks difficult".

Eighth Chukker 13-14 won by Chapa II. "Old is the wind but still blows"

Ellerstina won in a row the last 12 matchs played and this one the Number 13 finally was the one, they will not forget. In some moments in the game they where practicaly out of the semifinals, because in their next match against Pilara, that won their game today against Alegria (with no chances to get to the semifinals), they must not only have to win, they must win making at least two goals over Pilara, to reach the next step.

Also Ellerstina was lucky becasuse due of many unforced errors between Eduardo Heguy and Stearling mainly, the score could be worst.

They most focus in the concentration and the shape of their better horses, to pass the next exam. Today looks like everyones a day to forget, nothing worked. As a result of this, finishing the chukker 5, they through to goal 12 times with only 5 goals, poor compared to Indios Chapaleuyfu II that made 6 goals from 9 atempts to goal in the same period.

Things to change for Indios Chapaleufu II: Eduardo play longer the first balls you give Ellerstina chaces because the short strokes. Team, stop talking with the Referees, two technical fouls made Ellerstina return to the game. Improve undertanding between Eduardo Heguy and Pelon Stearling.