Horses were introducted to this part of the world mainly by the Spaniards. The first ones came with the Conquerors and after that, and thanks to these great plains, the horse became the best friend to the man in the new world.
Through this mixture of civilizations the Argentine horses -named criollos- became the best transportation for the new Argentine thanks to its tireless endurance.
In the first quarter of the past century Argentine cattle barons purchased from England and France the best thoroughbred horses of that moment, champions from England like Diamond Jubelee and Cyllene among many others that placed Argentina as an important thoroughbred horse breeder country.
Many Argentine bred horses won important races around the globe, about which we´ll later inform in this blog .
Criollos, plus the best English Thoroughbred, became an explosive coctail to create the Argentine polo horses, but a patient and passionate love of Argentine horsemen for these horses gave the secret element for this worldly known success.
Darwin, Tesio and other talented connoisseurs came to this country and saw the vast Pampas and their people. Be a part of this incredible journey for horse lovers.

Coming soon

This blog will place you in the Argentine Pampas, one of the most extensive plains in the world where these horses are raised in the most natural way.

Argentina is a horse country, you will see in this page how these horses are bred for these sports.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Day Four La Dolfina did it again, arrived to final

As incredible as seen La Dolfina won 17-11 over Pilara, in the best match played by LA Dolfina in the Argentine season.

I saw all La Dolfina's matchs and this is the best a saw them played. Pilara scored the minute 5:00 of the second chukka score was 8-0 and climed to 9-1

Adolfo Cambiaso Jr reapeared again as the best polo player of the planet, was his best game in the argentine season (after an incredible year in the northern season UK and USA won all title he played).

The score (goals) by chukka was La Dolfina 3-0 9-1 (6-1) 10-4 (1-3) 13-4 (3-0) 14-5 14-8 17-8 17-11

As the score shows La Dolfina cruise easy to the victory when in the fourth chukka leads over and unknown Pilara (that played the worst game in the season), for 13-4

Some reaction made near the final due to the managment of the game and the horses efforts, but never the victory for La Dolfina was in risk.

Nice weather temperature near 88F / 31C

Cambiaso Jr. Horse selection during the match:
1: Falta Envido (TB) replaced at 2:28 with Cautiva (TB)
2: Dolfina Lufthansa (PA)
3: Dolfina Cuartetera (PA)
4: Dolfina Buenaventura (PA) replaced at 5:25 with Bruma
5: Hanna Montana replaced with and unknown horse from Cordoba (all data)
6: Cautiva (TB) replaced at 4:28 with Dolfina Lapa (Broodmare of Dolfina Lufthansa that played 2 chk.)
7: Dolfina Cuartetera replaced with Bruma
8: Dolfina Buenaventura